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The Present


Facilitation for Digital Transformation of present and now

"Digital transformation, while currently a much-hyped part of IT and business conversations, is a very real need. Companies need to evolve, or maybe even reinvent themselves, to reflect the ongoing changes in the business landscape. From their product and service offerings, to how they engage with both new and existing customers, to their business and operational models – with the latter including the suitability of back-office operations – they need to transform." (Stephen Mann, Digital Transformation & ESM, Micro Focus 2020)



Improving customer service and interaction with partners

Fulfills due to the automation of business processes that reduce the time and improve the quality of customer requests processing. This increases loyalty and ensures customer retention and reduces the cost of service operations.

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Single pane of glass for visibility and management of assets, services, and networks

Discovery and display of interdependencies of resources and services of your infrastructure. A single source of knowledge about how applications and services are delivered across the entire mix of hardware, software, and cloud services.

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Improving the user experience and efficiency of employees

Carried out through the automation of business processes, the use of tools of Knowledge Base, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, social collaboration. As a result, the user experience of employees is improved, costs are reduced, and more work is done with fewer staff.

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Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience

Protecting what matters most - identities, applications, and data. Allows development and prosperity in the face of ever-growing threats and challenges.

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Data analytics for timely value extraction

Performed as a result of deploying a unified analytics and machine learning platform. It transforms the data your organization has accumulated into accurate, automated information for timely action and fast results.

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Migrating business applications and data to the clouds

Delivered as a result of the development of a plan for migrating your business applications and data to the cloud and our help in its practical implementation. Provides an increase in the security and resilience of the enterprise, reliably protecting the business processes and data of the organization from the adverse, hostile and resource-intensive factors of the physical world.


Micro Focus

OPTIC Transformation Operating Platform (SMAX)

Management of services and processes of the organization

Micro Focus

Cyber resilience platform of enterprises and organizations  


Cybersecurity tools, risk management, security of identities, data and applications

Micro Focus

Networks Operations Management network management solutions

A scalable solution for managing, automating, and complying with physical, virtual, and SDN networks

Micro Focus

ArcSight enterprise security platform  


A tool for stability, stability and security in the process of digital transformation

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Hybrid IT Operations Bridge monitoring solution

Automated event and performance monitoring for multi-cloud and local environments

NetBackup backup and recovery platform

A solution that ensures the security, compliance and availability of your data regardless of where it is located




The company is a partner of a number of well-known manufacturers, such as Micro Focus, Dell EMC, Samsung, IBM, Huawei, Schneider Electric, R&M, Lenovo, Mitsubishi Electric, McAfee and others.


The quality management system of our company is certified in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015.


14 Priorska Str., Kyiv, 04082, Ukraine

Phone# +380 44 277 1622

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