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Creation of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition

Digital Transformation Coalition


Intracom Telecom Ukraine makes its best contribution to achieving the goals set out in the program document and fully shares them. The result was our decision to participate in the establishment of the Coalition and sign the Memorandum.

On September 5, 2019, the Ukrinform News Agency in Kyiv hosted a public signing of a Memorandum on the Establishment of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition.  "Coalition of Digital Transformation".

The main goal of the Coalition for Digital Transformation is to breathe new life into the economy and society of Ukraine by embodying digital transformations.

The digital transformation of the economy and society is one of the essential factors of Ukraine's development, increase of productivity and economic growth, creation of jobs, improvement of the quality of life of citizens and development of democracy.

Highly appreciating the importance of cooperation and recognizing the need to develop the digital economy and society of Ukraine, public and private institutions, organizations, associations, NGOs formed the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition "Digital Transformation Coalition", whose activities are aimed at consolidating and coordinating initiatives and efforts of all partners. digital development and integration of Ukraine into the European digital space (EU Digital Single Market).

National digital coalitions have been established in 23 European countries. They have different names,  built differently and the country itself decides what priorities of its work it chooses. But the main thing that unites them  - is a transparent partnership between the subjects of digital transformations, promoting development  digital skills in Member States working together to bring about digital transformation and the development of the digital economy and to improve digital skills at national, regional or local level.

National and regional coalitions bring together companies involved in information and communication technologies and ICT, educational institutions, ministries, public and private entities, associations, non-profit organizations that develop specific measures for the digital transformation of the economy and society and, as one of the most important tasks - bringing digital skills to all levels of society.


  • Dissemination of information about modern digital technologies and practices of their use.

  • Creation and development of appropriate infrastructure for the acquisition and improvement of digital skills of youth and society in general in order to increase employment and effective use of digital opportunities.

  • Harmonization with the Digital Agenda and the Digital Single Market of the European Union.

  • Improving access to digital infrastructure and the Internet.

  • Integration of digital technologies into production processes, or digitalization of industry.

  • Promoting the digital development of settlements and regions.

  • Digitization of science, development of Ukrainian e-infrastructures.

  • Promoting the development of creative industries, cybersecurity systems and other areas of digital transformation of Ukraine.

  • Development  international cooperation in the development of digital technologies and digital skills.


The National Coalition was established at the initiative of the working group of the project on the EU funding program:   European Neighborhood Instrument (Erasmus +: КА2 CBHE) dComFra - Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.

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